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The Key to Upskilling in Healthcare: Unlocking the Potential of Your Workforce

Updated: Apr 15

The healthcare industry is facing a multitude of challenges, from clinician burnout and turnover to a diminishing leadership pipeline. These issues are further exacerbated by policy changes, cost cutting, and the ongoing digital transformation. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of upskilling and reskilling programs in addressing these challenges and discuss three critical considerations that healthcare leaders need to keep in mind when developing a successful learning and development (L&D) program.

1. Relevance: Tailoring Programs to Address Unique Needs

Healthcare systems are not homogeneous, and it is crucial for leaders to understand the specific dynamics of their organization when designing an L&D program. Consider the curriculum's relevance in addressing your health system's challenges. Identify the specific skill gaps that need to be filled, whether it's upskilling in clinical areas, stress management support, or developing leaders through executive education. By listening to employee feedback and understanding their wide range of needs, you can create customized solutions that cater to both hard and soft skills. Additionally, think beyond short-term needs and explore opportunities for retaining talent by offering reskilling paths that leverage institutional knowledge in different operational roles.

2. Accessibility: Making Learning Feasible and Affordable

The logistical feasibility of L&D programs is as important as the curriculum itself. Ensure that the program structure aligns with the unique working shifts within your organization. Consider offering flexible formats such as mobile microlearning, workshops, short certificates, or full degrees. Are the courses available during or outside of working hours? Can employees participate synchronously or asynchronously? Offering a variety of programs increases the likelihood of meeting the diverse needs of your team. Affordability is another critical aspect to address. Empower your teams by providing the necessary resources, technologies, materials, and upfront funding to complete the courses. Collaborate with your L&D partner to ensure equitable access and usage of the offerings across your organization.

3. Motivation: Driving Employee Engagement and Long-Term Value

For workforce development initiatives to have a meaningful impact, employees must be engaged and believe that L&D programs can solve real-world challenges. Provide actionable insights that address specific problems individuals face, rather than focusing on high-level theories. Customize the rollout, curriculum, and approach to suit your teams' needs, leveraging your understanding as a leader. Employees should also see long-term value in the form of career advancement opportunities within their current path or through externally transferable skills gained from the programs. According to surveys, investing in employee learning and development leads to increased job satisfaction and longer retention.


Taking a one-size-fits-all approach to upskilling and reskilling in healthcare is not effective. Leaders must evaluate their organization's unique needs and implement tailored training programs that address them. By investing in the development of the workforce, healthcare organizations can mitigate the global workforce shortage, improve working conditions, enhance job satisfaction, and ultimately provide better patient care. With careful consideration of relevance, accessibility, and motivation, leaders can unlock the potential of their workforce and pave the way for a brighter future in healthcare.


1. Emeritus Healthcare: Burnout in Healthcare Workers

2. Forbes: New Survey Shows that Up to 47% of US Healthcare Workers Plan to Leave Their Positions by 2025

3. Emeritus Healthcare: Learning and Development in Healthcare

4. Gallup: The American Upskilling Study

5. Emeritus Healthcare: Setting Employee Goals

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